Sunday, February 6, 2011

4th Philippine Cosplay Convention (PCC) & 9th PAO MEET-UP

Saturday, March 5 · 11:00am - 6:00pm

LocationMidtown, Robinsons Place Manila

Created By

More Info
"Mga Dating Soloista, Ngayo'y Samahang Masaya!"

If you RSVP in this event, it means:

...1. You will be attending the 4th PCC; and,
2. You would like to meet and greet fellow PAOtakus during the event.

Some PAOtakus will be wearing PAO pins/badges. We will likewise be bringing a banner/flag bearing the PAO logo. Feel free to approach any of us anytime. ^_^

If you'd like to receive the actual whereabouts of PAO during the convention through text messaging, kindly PM your cellphone no. to admin.Hiro who would be sending text alerts prior to and during the convention.

Thanks and regards,

"Redefining Being Otaku"

It is an advocacy of the Philippine Animé Otakus to help otakus to enjoy conventions more by facilitating the introduction of otakus to fellow enthusiasts and by providing company to otakus who otherwise have gone into "solo-mode" not only in conventions but also in cosplay preparations.

The Philippine otaku scene is a very small community of animé, manga, cosplay and gaming enthusiasts. PAO aims to facilitate networking of otakus, firstly, on the individual level; and secondly, on the group level.

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