Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cosplay Evolution

Friday, September 2 at 9:00am - September 4 at 9:00pm


Created By

More Info
When: TBA. pls stay tune.. sorry for the inconvenience...

Where: TBA. Stay tune for more Details. Website is also coming its way.

what to expect:
-Anime karaoke contest

• How to Join:
o All who wants to join must send an email on with their full name, age and the name of song that they will sing.
o Subject of their email must be “Anime Karaoke Contest – Joining”. Else your email will be ignored.
o Maximum of 15 contestants will be allowed to register.
o “First Come – First served” Basis.

• Rules & Guidelines
o The Song that contestant’s will going to sing must be songs that came from anime. They can also sing other song, but make sure that the artist must be Japanese.
o The Song of their choice must run only 3mins – 5mins. Those who are going to pass the time limit given will be given penalty in their score.
o Contestants can go as Individual, Duets or Group.
o Costumes and Choreography are welcomed but not required.
o Contestant may have their lyrics sheet while performing, but will given penalty in their score. So it is advisable to memorize your lyrics.

• Criteria for Judging
o Voice Quality, Proper Melody (40%)
o Proper Diction (40%)
o Choice of Song (10%)
o Audience Impact (10%)

• Awards:
o Winner will going to Receive php 1,000.00
o And a Surprise Award that will be announce on the Event it Self.

-J-song Dance contest

• How to Join:
o All who wants to join must send an email on with their team name, member’s full name, age and the name of song that they will going to use..
o Subject of their email must be “J-song Dance Contest – (TEAM NAME)”. Else your email will be ignored.
o Maximum of Groups will be allowed to register.
o “First Come – First served” Basis.

• Rules & Guidelines
o The Song that group’s will going to use must be songs that came from anime, or sang by Japanese artist only.
o The Song of their choice must run only 3mins – 5mins. Those who are going to pass the time limit given will be given penalty in their score.
o Contestants must have a minimum member of 3 and a maximum member of 10.

• Criteria for Judging
o Content (30%)
o Choreography (30%)
o Execution (30%)
o Audience Impact (10%)

• Awards:
o Winner will going to Receive php 2,500.00
o And a Surprise Award that will be announce on the Event it Self.

-Cosplay Catwalk

• How to Join:
o All who wants to join must send an email on with their full name, age, screen name, and name and picture of the character they are cosplaying. You can also register On-Site; just find the registration table on the event venue.
o FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION: Subject of their email must be “Cosplay Catwalk – (SCREEN NAME)”. Else your email will be ignored.
o Maximum of 400 individuals will be allowed to register.
o “First Come – First served” Basis.

• Rules & Guidelines
o The characters that will be cosplay must be from anime, manga, games from Japan. Other characters from other genre will be given penalty in their score.
o The time limit of the catwalk will be 20sec. per individual. Passing the given time limit will be given penalty in their score per second.
o The music for the catwalk will be produced by the team.

• Criteria for Judging
o Stage Presentation (40%)
o Character Characteristic (35%)
o Costume Detail (20%)
o Audience Impact (5%)

• Awards:
o Winner will going to Receive php 5,000.00
o And a Surprise Award that will be announce on the Event it Self.

-Photo Contest

• How to Join:
o All who wants to join must be attendees of the Cosplay Evolution Event.
o You can sign-up in the registration booth.
o Only one picture per participant.
o “First Come – First served” Basis.

• Rules & Guidelines
o The photos must be shot with in the venue. Ask for assistance with the Marshall for the venue where you can take photo.
o Photos must not contain nudity, or any sign of sexual exploitation of the subject, else your registration for the photo contest will be forfeited
o Photos must not mix characters from different series or genre.
o Photos must not contain random convention attendees in its background
o Photos must have a theme.

• Criteria for Judging
o Content (40%)
o Theme (30%)
o Creativity (30%)

• Awards:
o Winner will going to Receive php 1,000.00
o And a Surprise Award that will be announce on the Event it Self.


Questions? Feel free us to contact at or the Fan page on Facebook “Gakuen Cosplay Review Center” or text/call us on +63927-579-2297.
Spam Messages will be ignored. Pls. kindly introduce yourself to us. Thanks.


on the behalf of the organizer, we are sorry to inform you that the event will be postpone and will be moved to august 2011.

more details will be release. Thank you very much

this is subject for change and improvision.

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