• 10:00am
  • The 2 most respected cosplay shops in the country, Devangelic Shop and Cosmic Bytes Cosplay Shop, present Misaki Christmas Convention - a one day cosplay competition full of surprises and games. Huge prizes are at stake for our guests, con-goers and participants.

    For the participating cosplayers, here are the prizes that await you:

    Best Male - 3,000 in cash
    Best Female - 3,000 in cash
    Best Mecha/Armor - 3,000 in cash
    Best Child - 2,000 in cash
    Best Crossplayer - 2,000 in cash
    Best Christmas Costume - wig from Cosmic Bytes Cosplay Shop
    Best Costripper - surprise goodie bag from Devangelic

    For the photographers (on the event itself)


    For the guest and con-goers:

    Random Games ^^

    To Register, please go to this link or you can send your inquiries to cosmic.bytes@yahoo.com