Wednesday, July 13, 2011

NCPH 2nd SHINOBI EXAM (Batch Kasai)

Contribution for event is Php1,000 which includes:

- food/meals for 3 days
- airconditioned accomodation
- venue with the following facilities Swimming pool, Basketball cort, firing Range, Restaurant, volleyball court and many more.


To those who are not yet aware of the full concept of NCPH we conduct shinobi exams every 3months to filter people who are serious and passionate in joining this organization by doing for a cause projects. The shinobi exam consist of games, activities, team building that will enhance you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

It is also a test of Courage, Will and Determination. A form of bonding in building a family orientated relationship in this organization and a way of unleashing the gene of a LEADER in each of you. Let us always remember that we NCPH are not only COSPLAYERS.... We are individual who want to set examples and make a difference in our own simple ways.... We are a group that WALKS our TALKS. By doing so we need to test our own self and skills for us to awaken the potential within.

Those who gain a higher mark and grade on the shinobi exam will be promoted to Jounin or Chuunin in this organization for them to take care of the 3rd batch of examinees. So fell free to reserve your slot for this said event. Thank you and good day.

-NCPH Hokage-
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